Sunday, December 1, 2019

Take on John Kennedy

Senator John Kennedy must have some dirty dirty secrets in his closet. I'm talking dead prostitutes level secrets because there is no way that a member of the US Senate can be this dumb. These people are privy to the best intelligence, sit with every piece of government research at their disposal and still people like Kennedy have justify protecting Trump, regardless of how ridiculous is sounds. He went from Chris Wallace last week where he peddled a conspiracy theory to claiming he misheard the veteran newsman to doubling down and going all Putin on Meet the Press today.
There was once a thought that giving senators a six year term allowed them to deal with crisis in a non partisan way giving them protection from the voters and allowing them to do what is right for their country. Sadly they don't seem to do this at all and instead do the exact opposite carrying Trump's water instead of protecting our country and the constitution

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