Friday, November 15, 2019

Take on Roger Stone

Sometime in February, Roger Stone will be sentenced after being convicted on all counts today which will mean that the old gang will all be back together. Stone, Cohen, Manafort, Gates and Georgie P will go down as the henchmen who worked to empower and then protect Trump but leaving just enough of a trail of lies and deception that history will not see their old boss anything but a crook.
For all that was awful about Nixon, he did eventually step down and there is nobody who expects Trump to follow suit. He will go down swinging while the GOP in congress will spend the next 6 months trying to figure out how to both publicly cling to and publicity release from the sinking ship. The defections have started and at this point the march to the lifeboats has a lot more traffic than the reverse.

But this is where we are, we are holding hope that today is a continuation and not the end to the Trump incarcerations

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