Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Take on Hunter

Politicians all have regrettable family members, Bill
Clinton had his brother, JFK had brother Ted, Obama had his nutty uncle, Hillary had Bill, Reagan had that weird son, HW had his DWI having coke snorting son and Trump has the dumb son and the other one.

It's all part of a great right wing conspiracy but it's working on me. I'm sick and tired of Hunter Biden, i don't like him canoodling with his dead brother's widow, I don't like him gathering a kid with another woman while canoodling with said widow, I don't like him on the Burisma board, I don't like him smoking crack at a strip club, I don't like him not tipping a waitress at a Cracker Barrel, I don't like him ripping a giant fart at church, I just don't like him

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