Saturday, October 12, 2019

Take on Gordon

The scoop of the day will be that Gordon Sondland will now testify that he isn't sure there was no quid pro quo only that he is certain that Trump said it. The timing and tone of the entire text message exchange has always been a bit odd. It went from a free wheeling spaghetti sauce mess of "diplomacy" to Sondland going 180 and writing our testimony he knew would be used in a court of law at some point. We know now that the change of tone happened right after he spoke to Trump and I wonder if this guy is much of a Trump loyalist. I think he's just a rich donor who'd like to get his ego stroked and his wiener waxed, both of which he got but the idea of him having to clench his butt cheeks every time he drops the soap scared him to the point he now remembers things a lot differently.

Oh well, he also has a face that looks like a Halloween mask of a giant scrotum.

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