Monday, October 28, 2019

Take on the Embelisher in Chief


Trump embellished a story, is this even news? He's like the kid on the playground who tells you he hooked up with a chick at camp when everybody knows he went to an all boys baseball camp.
Nobody cares really because everybody knows the guy is full of crap but somehow you listen cause m, at minimum he's a good story teller.
We had a guy in high school who was obviously a narc. The dude had a mustache, weighed like 260 and reeked of prostitutes and Marlboro's He gets a bunch of us 13 year old kids around and starts telling us how he took his crappy Oldsmobile and was doing 170 because the speedometer went around twice. Now even the prepubescent idiot knew he was full of crap but we hoped he might score us some beer or porn, so we listened and he assumed we believe him

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