Friday, October 4, 2019

Take on Bernie

If Bernie cares about his message and a bout actually getting something changed, he'd see this heart attack as a sign and step aside. His supporters would immediately rush to Elizabeth Warren making her the front runner putting Biden on his heels. This would hopefully lead to a conversation from the head of the party (Obama) to ask him to step aside and would clear the deck leaving Warren, Harris and Mayor Pete. The Democratic Party needs to be the one of intelligence and smarts and not the one of celebrity and nothing would help get the right people onto that debate stage than Bernie doing what is best for the Democratic Party and stepping down

But we know Bernie has now interest in doing anything to benefit the Democratic Party, he's only interested in Bernie, so he won't do what is right for the democrats and right for the country and instead he'll try to come back from this to muddle along further only muddying the water

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