Friday, September 13, 2019

Take on the Yang Bang

We're supposed to love Andrew Yang for his no-tie, slightly to buff Asian bro look and his wild ideas about taxing technology. He's as stiff as a board even as he tries to come across as the ultimate nothing bothers me dude. The chances of him winning are somewhere in the range of never and ever, but he has a contingency of followers who keep pushing him up in the polls just high enough that his head acts as a speed bump for the Harris-Biden-Warren-Bernie express but yesterday he took that speed bump and turned into a business. He's offered to buy the votes of 10 families by gifting them $120k each. Seems like a cheap way to get a lot of twitter followers, so it's sort of brilliant but when they realize he only tweets about comics and the Knicks, they may not be that interested.
Now we're taking politics.

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