Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Take on Mike Pence’s European vacation

Mike Pence must be worried that Trump is going to kick him off the ticket, so he's shunning common sense, convenience and ethics and staying at Trump's golf course on the other side of Ireland instead on in Dublin. It's not as if Dublin is ant capable to hosting a world leader, they've certainly had a few of those in their day but staying at the Grand Hyatt or the Ritz Carlton wouldn't enrich Papa Bear and Mike Pence always makes sure that Papa Bear is taken care of

It was nice to see him bring both Mother and his mother on the trip, I'm sure they didn't share a room, so that added another couple of bucks to Trump INC.

Good luck Mikey, hope you can sleep well at night knowing you sold all your Christian morals away for this moron, a moron who will drop you for Nikki Haley in about a week.

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