Saturday, September 7, 2019

Take on the endless road to impeachment

At this rate we may get an impeachment of Trump by the time Ivanka Trump is serving her third term as president and Eric has finally figured out how to operate those funny smart lights. The house judiciary committee moves at an absolute snail's
pace and that might be being generous. Nobody knows if the impeachment will stick but at this point we are a year away from an election and it may not even get started until well after he loses in a landslide

What the real fear democrats have is that the impeachment will invigorate his base and take away the momentum which the Dem's got after the midterms

At some point very soon in the future, it will be decided that the political risk of impeachment isn't worth the trouble although conventional thinking would be that incumbent president looking for reelection with a big impeachment inquiry hanging over his head has to be a good thing for the opposition party ...but then again nothing this guy does is conventional

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