Sunday, August 18, 2019

Take on Leisure Suit Larry

Larry Kudlow always looks like somebody peed in his shoes and he's just finding it out as he's sitting there. He proclaimed today, like he did in 2007, that there was no imminent recession, so we all hope he will be batting 0.500. Nobody wants to see their 401Ks demolished, jobs lost, salaries cut and companies shuttered, so we have to root for Kudlow here

The problem is that we've had a record run of growth and Trump's tax cuts aren't paying for themselves, we have record debt and deficits and an aging working class who are going to need a soft pillow to land on. Maybe this would be a good time to stave off any potential recession by maybe not getting into a pissing contest with China.

I don't know...seems like that could be a start

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