Thursday, August 15, 2019

Take on Epstein’s suicide solution

I'm no tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy monger but this entire Jeff Epstein situation smells like Chinese Food in 90 degree weather. The thought that his "suicide" was a complete surprise to anybody is laughable. First of all he was found to be a suicide risk less than two weeks ago and even if you believe his take that he was attached by the Long Island Copy cellmate, it should have told you he was a target inside jail.
I think the need of some very powerful people needing to off him was pretty obvious and if TeflonJohn Gotti can get off dozens of times, I'm sure it wouldn't take Teflon Don to off Epstein if he needed. It could have been Clinton or Prince Andrew or any number of other powerful people but there are two things that will remain a mystery

- how the hell did this guy become so rich?
- how many people had a need to make sure their secrets never came to light

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