Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Take on Mueller’s seven hours

Bob Mueller's seven hours of testimony gave fuel to the fire that Trump is a corrupt pig but did nothing to quell the confidence the Trump team had that they found virtually nothing in their two years of searching.
Of course we didn't expect it to end much differently especially after the release of his report which left more things unanswered than set in stone and left open too much for interpretation.

What was most disappointing and dissatisfying is that Mueller looked flustered and wasn't nearly as sharp and quick as we'd been lead to believe. That doesn't change his standing as Special Counsel but certainly didn't bolster his standing either

Anyway, Trump can't scream no collusion, no obstruction since that was the one thing Mueller did make clear and it's good to know that Trump will likely be charged when he is finally removed from office but it does beg the question, if the Special Counsel cannot indict a sitting president and really has no recourse, what is the point of this entire charade?

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