Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Take on the Fed Rate Cut

The Fed cut their benchmark rate today in what can only be described as a peculiar move likely influenced by a President who has been very critical of them and is looking to juice an economy heading into a re-election. It was peculiar mostly because the economy has been quite good overall although many of us are seeing cracks in the foundation.

Fed chairman's Powell sited a sluggish manufacturing and lower business investment for the reason but I think he's ignoring the elephant in the room

One main reason manufacturing is struggling is because our orange leader has dragged us into a major trade war. Not only are US goods into China now more expensive because China retaliated with their own tariffs, US Manufacturers need Chinese parts and component for the manufacturing of their products are now paying higher prices. If a US producer is now paying a 25% Duty on goods out of a China, you've directly hit their bottom line which will make their products more expensive.
So now people will be asked to pay more for a car and may not be able to afford it. And we wonder why manufacturing is down??

Want to juice your economy, drop this idiotic trade war and let manufacturing be great again

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