Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Take on equality

I don't often agree with Andrew Cuomo but today I did when he said that the USWNT should not be paid the same as the USMNT but instead be paid higher because they actually produce

We spent the last week in France immersed in the excitement of the World Cup but there we two parts that stood out

- there were so many American families there, I'd guess that the finals were 80% Americans.

- except for one family, we never encountered a family with more sons than daughters. The truth is most families there were just daughters which is such a sad state. When they came with a brother it was almost always a younger one (too young to complain??) but you had to say the estrogen to testosterone level of any household had to be 75/25 at best.
Not sure why a boy or a girl can watch the terrible NFL or the NBA but dad's are too insecure in their own masculinity to have their sons watch some world class futball

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