Thursday, June 13, 2019

Take on the end of Big Huck era.

Big Huck's tenure as the worst press secretary of all time just ended and the concepts of honesty and transparency are better for it. Without a bit of irony, Trump announced by thanking her for the 3 1/2 years of service at the White House.

All press secretaries probably stretch the truth somewhat but Sarah Sanders stretched it as if she was trying to fit into a size 2 dress. There wasn't a story she wasn't willing to fabricate, a poll she wasn't willing to twist and a falsehood by her boss she wasn't willing to cover for. In fairness to her there are people on her role who the press would've eaten alive, she basically had them for lunch....and ordered seconds.

So goodbye Big Huck, if you are replaced with a bulldog, it won't be much different in terms of getting information from the administration and when there is a stench in the room, we still won't know who to blame.

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