Thursday, June 27, 2019

Take on the crowded field.

It's time to clear the deck. Ten people on a debate stage is like trying to drive ten cars cross country at the same time, it just doesn't work. Half these people wouldn't be recognized in the local Target and some of the ones that would be are recognized because they are so frigging unlikeable

Tonight all the talk will be about Kamala going after Old Man Joe or about the chick at the end who has some kind of speech impediment but really it should be about a bunch of people who just shouldn't be up on stage

St this point in the 2016 election, Jeb! Was leading the GOP pack mostly because of name recognition, I have to think that this is exactly what will happen with Biden. He sounds like the ideal candidate in theory but the reason he never became president is because he cannot chew gum and debate at the same time.
I'm done with De Blasio, the Hawaiian lady, Klobuchar and anybody who is an old white man

Give me Kamala, Booker, Warren and Mayor Pete and lets get this thing on the right track.

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