Sunday, June 23, 2019

Take on Chuck Todd

Chuck Todd couldn't hold Tim Russert's jock. When he's finally gotten the opportunity to interview Trump the most memorable sequence is him asking Trump where he'd have his presidential library which is laughable on so many levels.
Trump and library are two words that have never been in the same sentence when not separated with "extensive porn" but who cares

We are living through daily crisis, with migrant families being separated, a war with Iran feeling imminent, a trade war dragging on our economy, an irresponsible environmental policy, unprecedented corruption and a national debt growing faster than his waist side, yet Chuck Todd asks him about his presidential library?!?

You can ask ask an ex-president that, you can ask a president in the final months of his final term but you don't waste precious air time to show us that.

Have some guts you incoherent fool.

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