Sunday, May 5, 2019

Take on miserable Trump

Trump had another miserable weekend, likely because he got rained out of golf and decided to lash out at everybody. I woke up to a beautiful world but go to sleep with a President more worried about The Kentucky Derby than with our economy my and the impact of his idiotic tariffs.
I'm not sure who needs to get into his ear but this idea that the Chinese are paying for this tariff is ludicrous, the ones that get bills from CPB are the importers The Chinese have no direct tariff, American businesses and the American public is paying for it

The thing is that if he had laid out his goal, we would know if we were winning or losing this trade war but since this administration has not laid out clearly what the situation is, what are objectives are what our expectations should be, we only know that if there is ever a trade deal, it will be heralded as the greatest of all time, even if it's just a burning bag of dog poop

Thanks Trunp

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