Monday, May 20, 2019

Take on Kris Kobach’s demands

Kris Kobach's conditions for becoming immigration czar sounds like a list of Celine Dion dressing room demands.
He is demanding an office in the West Wing with walk in privileges, a huge pay rank, sizable staff, a private jet on his command and a promise of a DHS secretary by November 1st. I'm shocked he didn't demand a couple of Guatemalan underaged girls for sex slaves, the guy is really a complete lunatic.

First of all, I'm not quite sure if it took him longer to come up with this list or the time he intends to hold the position because November 1st is around the corner. He is literally looking for a job for 5 months.
Secondly, his demands of being with his family seem reasonable but to do that on a private plane sounds a bit absurd. It's not like anybody has any idea who Kris Kobach is, he's got less name recognition than Kris Novoselic and looking at him he looks like just about any other pedophile

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