Monday, May 27, 2019

Take on the idiotic Forbes headline

Forbes needs to be put out to pasture and nothing makes that more obvious than their tone deaf headline asking if America is ready for a woman president. I think you'd only need to look at exhibit #1 which was the 2016 election when Hillary got nearly 4 million more votes than Donald even with the help he received from his buddy Vlad. The majority of the country was ready and Hillary was willing and able but somehow we were deprived of a broken glass ceiling because of the archaic nature of our electoral process.

The other thing that is idiotic about this tweet is the horrible photo of Kamala they posted, it showing her in any kind of stately pose but instead catching her in a kind of photo I have of my aunt on my iPhone. Harris has taken a million photos, I'm sure they could have found one of her standing up and not bending down in some awkward hug...unless you are a publication which has profited from Donald being president.

Anyway, I can save you a click and five minutes of your life

The answer is, yes we are ready and have been for at least 2.5 years.

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