Thursday, May 9, 2019

Take on the crazy anti vaxxers

This Anti Vaxxer thing continues to take on a life all its own and today was no different. Some random Texas Republican Jonathan Stickland (@repStickland) compared vaccines to sorcery which is scary only in how dumb it is. The guy seems like a complete lunatic online but when you compare it to his headshot in the accompanying photo he looks even worse. I'm not quite sure but maybe this guy is the afterlife of a vaccine gone wrong because Strickland might be some weird combination of a bearded clam and a deranged hunchback. His entire head looks like it was coming out of the middle of his torso like some kind of weird muppet. It honestly looks like one of those big head photos that fans wave behind the basket at an NBA game, his head is just grotesque.

Anyway, good luck in your fight for truth justice and sorcery, hope somebody can fix your head thing.

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