Monday, March 11, 2019

Take on a genuinely good Trump idea

Although it only happens once a quarter, we have to give a Trump credit when he comes up with a good idea and his thought of making Daylight Savings Time permanent is one of those.

I can't quite understand the idea of not using it full time, you inconvenience the entire country and puts 300 million people in a miserable mood all for a bunch of farmers. But the farmer argument doesn't even that makes no sense. A cow has no idea what time it is, actually you disrupt their regular sleep cycles by making them adhere to some artificial clock change. As for dark mornings, this is all just state of mind. Let the 1% of the country who farm land adjust. Maybe start about 2 minutes later every day in the winter and start cutting back 2 minutes each spring time. They would likely not even notice but it would do great things for the rest of us who basically live our lives in darkness for them. Our productivity goes to hell, depression sky rockets and kids watch more TV

Let's make this happen.

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