Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Take on the college entrance scam

I'm trying to wrap my head around this college entrance scam and find the entire thing amazing. It's amazing in the sense it's caught up in its net a bunch of celebrities and well heeled business leaders. It's amazing in that fact that it seems so audacious in its delivery and it's amazing in the fact there somebody would be dumb enough to spend $1.2 million dollars to have the privilege of spending another $1 million at Yale.

$2.2 million dollars to attend Yale?? I've been to New Haven and these Southern California kids are going to mighty disappointed when they realize the weather sucks, the people are ugly and most importantly they've gotten into a school where they are now likely the dumbest kid there.

Then again this entire thing has been happening for years (see Kushner, Jared) with wealthy parents donating casts sums of money to get their bratty waspy rich kids into schools they have no business attending but of course this won't captivate anybody's attention

Let's see Ivanka and Don Jr's high school transcripts to prove they got into Wharton with help from papa and Eric Trump's showing how he got into Rowan

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