Sunday, March 24, 2019

Take on the Barr review of the Mueller report

Well that went down with a whimper. The Big Bob report delivered in a four page conclusion by Barr said that they found no Russian-Trump collusion although it went to the levels that it did not exonerate him. Of course William Barr is the handpicked attorney general who already wrote a manifesto saying that Trump could not have colluded but this certainly was not a good day for people convinced the president was paying footsie with Vladdy.
But still, until we see Mueller's full report, we won't really know. This four page review from Barr is just that..a review

Anyway, congrats Don, you live to fight another day. Maybe use this opportunity to actually do what you promised and bring the country together, stop the rhetoric and move towards positive progress for the country. Chances of that are similar to the chances you opted for the salad today at the turn after the ninth hole

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