Monday, February 25, 2019

Take on the Krafts

The Krafts had an interesting 24 hours. First the patriarch of the family got caught in a little rub and tuck with underaged girls at an Asian massage parlor. The fact that one of the country's richest men, one who runs the most successful sports franchise of our time, had given a friendship ring to Vlad Putin and a guy who is personal friends with the president would be involved with something like this just speaks to the audacity of the rich, famous and well connected. The visual of Bob Kraft getting a handjob while wearing that stupid blue button down with the white collar and cuffs is one I wish was not seared into my head.

Later that day the Kraft Heinz company's shares plummeted because people realize that ketchup with American cheese is about as disgusting a combination as you could come up with and likely something we could see our dear leader eat.

It can't make John Kerry too happy to see that drop although not as weird as when Bob Kraft shows up -not wearing pants- at Thanksgiving this year.

And finally Kelly Craft was nominated as a US Ambassador to the United Nations after a stint in Canada which must have made Bob Kraft and the shareholders of Kraft Heinz board happy to see their young niece and heir to the craftmatic bed frames have such rousing success.

I can't say I know much about Kelly Craft but did notice that she's married to some huge Trump supporting billionaire Kentucky coal baron which will mean great things for any green initiatives in the UN. Then it made me wonder how the hell anybody could become a billionaire off of coal.

Witch hunts still ruled the day which does show Trump's infatuation with witchcraft is alive and well.

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