Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Take on Ivanka’s dishonest chart

Eric is the dumb one and Don Jr is the shady one which has always sort of make Ivanka the normal one but they all part of the facade that her and Jared put up.
She posted what can only be described as a completely misleading chart showing an exponential growth in women participation in the workforce.
It doesn't show that but it does show that she's either dumb or completely dishonest or both.

First of all, she took a chart and zoomed in so that the rate goes from 73 to 76% instead of a zoomed out one that would cover something like 50 to 80%
The "exponential" growth is something like 2%

Secondly, it shows that the big drop happened after the Great Recession (surprise) and the improvement started under Obama (double surprise)
Lastly, even if you want to claim this as a Trump coup, realize that the increased participation is likely tied to the fact that wages really aren't growing and that more families need dual incomes to make ends meet. So maybe not a great stat for Obama OR Trump

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