Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Take on the enemy of the people

My enemy's enemy is my friend.

Trump has spent the better part of the last two years tearing into the Fake News and calling it all the enemy of the people but really he just sees it as the enemy of him. As a NYC playboy he loved the tabloids because he could exploit them and his insatiable appetite for attention and their insatiable appetite for celebrity gossip made them a perfect pair but as president the stuff on Page6 just isn't enough as he tries to captivate the country.

This is what Trump is actually angry at, he can't control the press like he did as a younger man, they actually hold him accountable which is something nobody has ever done before

But with the news of the deranged Coast Guardsman with his ammo dump and hit list, it might be time for President donut to shut his pie he before somebody -other than his ego-gets hurt.

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