Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Take on the best day of television of the year

Must watch TV is just hours away as Michael Cohen is set to testify in front of congress while Donald Trump has dinner with Kim Jong-Un in Hanoi.

I've had a fair amount of long nights in Asia myself where I can't sleep but I have to believe that Trump will be glued to his TV set tonight afraid of the bombshells that Michael Cohen is set to outline.

We've seen what he's expected to say including calling Trump a racist and a conman and laying out in detail what Trump knew about things like the Trump Tower meeting. I'm planning on staying up all night with a box of popcorn probably similar to what Trump will be doing about 1000 miles south of here

Maybe Trump should stay in Vietnam instead of flying back home, by the time he lands in Washington DC, he might be met with FBI agents instead of his normal group of military guards.

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