Monday, February 4, 2019

Take on 60% executive time.

Everybody will be up in arms when they see that Trump spends 60% of his day on executive time but we don't. We've said since day one that we want Trump spending more time watching cartoons and playing golf and less time doing anything else. Even the tweets are better than the governing by fire mentality he has taken on. We know he's not a particularly smart man, we know his intellectual curiosity has bounds, we know he's more likely to deep dive into a chocolate fountain than into a policy paper and we know he doesn't really care about nuance, so let's stop asking him to do more of it. Let's stop lazy shaming him even if we all know he claimed he'd have no time for golf if he were to become president and claims now that he doesn't watch a lot of TV because of all the papers. We don't want to goad him into more work, we want to trick him into less

Trump has the attention span of a six year old with ADHD, I think putting him in front of Paw Patrol would be the best thing we could do for our country.

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