Thursday, January 3, 2019

Take on Senator Palpatine

Mike Pence seems to get a pass on just about everything. He serves as the Vice President but rarely draws the ire of the press ever though he is instrumental in any of the policies seen as detrimental to the well being of our country. Unlike his boss he's obviously not bombastic, his personality being more of the wet-blanket persuasion but underneath it all, behind the "morality" and Christianity, lies something much more sinister.
Look a the man's eyes, you can tell a lot about somebody by looking right into them as a president once said and when you stare into those raccoon eyes it looks like he's either recovering from a four day bender or, more likely, he's actually senator Palpatine using the strength of the pupil who can not control his emotions to quietly turn the Republic into an Empire using his army of evangelical clones

I guess we're all hoping Tiffany turns into Luke

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