Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Take on Mitt’s stand.

All the talk will be about Mitt Romney taking a public stand against the head of his own party and we will all hope that this is something more than fluff but we've been fooled with this type of
dissidence before. Romney is about to embark on a six year term, which means that he'll never sit on down-ballot to Trump, so it's not as harsh as it might be from a senator up for re-election in less than two years. He's also coming from a unique state, one that is conservative but not overly supportive of Trump, so his outlier stance carries less weight. He is also a principled man who can carry a mormon state without Trump's backing.

But there need to be voices like this in the senate but let's hope he, like John McCain at the end, will stand for convictions and not be a paper tiger like Susan Collins and in many ways Jeff Flake. It's one thing to publicly admonish Trump when he's weakened and the political winds are in his face, it something quite different to do when he's emboldened and the political winds are in his back. Collins and Flake voted with Trump on almost all issues and only after he had decided to not seek re-election did Flake start to publicly question Trump. Collins looks into issues that seem troubling but never seems to find anything in her searches which lead to anything other than taking laps and getting credit for her moderate tones when in fact she has proven to be anything but that.
It's not just those two, I can't believe men who claim to have principles stances against all that Trump stands for continue to publicly back him. People like Lindsey Graham, Rand Paul and Ted Cruz should be fighting his impulses instead of abetting them.

Let's hope Romney can break the mold of the spineless wimps who sit on the right side of the aisle, none of whom have had the guts to stand up to Trump unless they were on their deathbeds, literally (like McCain) or figuratively (like Flake)

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