Thursday, January 31, 2019

Take on Jill Stein’s secret money

When all is set and done, we expect history will show that Trump, Kushner, Jr., Eric, Bannon, Cohen, Page, Flynn and Stone all either worked with -or were worked over- by Putin and his cronies. But what will be even more apparent is that Russian attack on American democracy didn't just come from the right, it also came from left. Jill Stein will go down as one of the reasons we are stuck with Trump and the chances of her being on Putin's payroll seems higher every time she opens her mouth

But what is striking is that when looking at her twitter account, it has to be up there as one of the most active to least liked ratios I've ever seen for somebody in the public space.

Looking at her last 10 tweets all but one failed to get 425 likes and the one that got the most was a repost of another story and still only garnered 1000 or so. She gets less than 100 retweets on almost everything she does. Her messaging doesn't seem to resonate with anybody yet mysteriously she gets votes and just enough to help Trump get over the line

Then I went over to the Starbucks guy and he's only getting like 1000 likes on his tweets also, Gary Johnson gets about as many although maybe he's not smart enough to actually know how to use it. Then take somebody like Cory Booker, Bernie, Kamala Harris or Elizabeth Warren and they get tens of thousands of likes if they post a photo of their Chipotles lunch

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