Friday, December 21, 2018

Take on the worst week ever

Mueller better get his game on and give us the Christmas morning surprise we've been waiting for. With Ruth Bader Ginsberg showing how fragile she is, it's time to get this Mueller show on the road and take our Don and Mike in one swift move but they will need to wait until the new Congress gets sworn in.
This week has been on of Trump's worst..the market is tanking, he can't get out of his own way with this stupid wall, the government is 6 hours from shutting down, the judge didn't buy his Flynn argument, the Supreme Court upheld the ruling against his stupid travel ban, his foundation got shit down and he and his adult children may never be able to sit on another non profit board again. Mattis resigned with a scathingly resignation letter over Trump's idiotic Syrian decision. and we still have a day to go this week

So please Mueller, you need to do this to save the Union. We can't wait much longer

Sent from my iPhone

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