Sunday, December 23, 2018

Take on having no intellectual curiosity

Trump is fuming about everything and anything but like he usually does, he doesn't have the guts to do most of it himself. He made Mike Pompey tell Mattis to clean out his desk a full two months after Mattis had planned to leave and then had Mnuchin fall the bankers to try to reassure them. The problem is that when you try to reassure the market it actually spooks it. But that wasn't even the dumbest thing he did this week.
But the beauty is that Trump was too dumb to realize how forceful Mattis' resignation really was. Our working theory is that it was too long and Trump wasn't going to read the thing and not till he got the cliffs notes did he understand how scathing it really was.

But I do love that Mnuchin is our on the beach in Mexico with his horrid wife probably hanging on the naked people beach while Fat Trump is seething in the white house

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