Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Take on the Christmas Day meltdown

I wonder if Abe is going to send Trump a Christmas casserole this year? The Nikkei index slumped 5% on Christmas Day amidst fears of a global slowdown and uncertainty in the world's largest economy. Trump's erratic behavior and terrible trade policy followed by Mnuchin's impromptu call from the beach to the heads of the biggest banks lead to a sharp sell off on Wall Street on Monday which was directly followed by a total meltdown in Japan. If it wasn't for the fact that most people were concerned about getting to Aunt Joanie's house or making sure the asparagus wasn't over cooked, it could have been worse here too, but instead Trump decided to dump it right into our laps of one of our great allies. Can't wait to see what 9:30AM tomorrow brings.

Thanks Dump, Merry Christmas to you and the rest of the haters and losers (in your cabinet)

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