Monday, December 10, 2018

Take on Chris’s take out.

Like a classic American story, Big Chris might be making a comeback after his fall from grace. Granted Christie's fall was louder than most other people but the fact that he was able to get up and dust himself off is a near miracle. Christie had the double humiliation of become the most hated man in a state he loves by trying to Out Trump Trump and then having to stand like a propped up marshmallow man behind Trump as humiliation for being a fat loser who dared to speak out again Trump.

But that was then and this is now and after Ayers rejected the offer, Trump is searching high and low for a replacement for John Kelly and according to some news reports, considering Big Chris into that position. We think Chris will do fine, he's naturally combative and a bit smarter than Rudy and he certainly is loyal to the alpha dog in the room. But if Trump told him to lose 50 pounds, could be? This has to be a job criteria for him.

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