Thursday, December 27, 2018

Take on the blue explosion

That crazy neighbor with the big CB tower and the unkempt yard might be on to something. I saw all the videos of the blue lights flashing over NYC which seemed to start with a bang and ended just as suddenly has been explains away as a transformer explosion

We heard the following from an expert in the energy field

" Whether the failure comes from corroded insulation or a lightning strike, the result can be spectacular. Overcharged or worn wiring creates heat and a spark, enough to ignite the mineral oil keeping the transformer cooled. When the mineral oil begins to burn, it creates a massive overpressure inside the sealed transformer, eventually causing the vessel to rupture with a loud bang and shower of sparks and flame. Due to the materials involved, the flash is frequently bluish-green in color, and can be seen at night from a very long distance."

See this is what the government wants you to believe but we at TOR have been busy at work on our own investigation and explanations like the one above are exactly what they would tell you if there was some supernatural occurrence. No way would they be telling you the truth instead keeping you as much in the dark -or the blue light- as possible

As the fact come out it will become very apparent that this was not some weird ConEd thing but an alien invasion, our own version of Roswell.

The good news is that my buddy Jimmy the Chin is up in Harlem with his big brother in to with their proton packs on ready to take on all alien life forms (and deadbeat tenants), Kenny Conway is protecting the western banks of the Hudson and RA Sicko is covering the lower Western Banks. The GForce have the northern valley covered and will ring the air siren at the first signs. The Brooklyn front is unmanned at the present time but there are some reinforcements out on Long Island

Luckily there is backup in the form of a guy watching wrestling in his underwear out near Disneyland. So if all else fails -which it likely will- we have this guy coming to our rescue

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