Friday, December 14, 2018

Take on Big Chris’ stepping out.

When you lose Big Chris..maybe it's time to call it quits. Trump was apparently trying to woo Christie to the White House and for the first time in the last few years, Christie had some dignity. After sitting on the beach during the New Jersey shutdown, after standing behind Trump like a hostage victim after his endorsement and after the indignity of Trump telling him that he can't have a second dessert, he finally grabbed his sack. Well his sack must be hard to reach since he has that gigantic bunt but we mean it figuratively.

Anyway, tells you something that a guy as desperate for relevance as Big Chris turns this job down claiming it's the wrong time for his family. Interesting since his wife is retired, his kids are out of the house and he literally ran for president a couple of years ago. Even Chris sees the writing on the wall and he's not one who can survive on water and bread in the Clink.

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