Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Take on the Apprentice snub

Our president feels he should get the Nobel Peace Prize which I'm sure he deserves for badly putting out a crisis that he started. Of course the only vote he'd get is the one he's get from Eric "Beavis" Trump who will assume you vote by sending in a cereal box top.
But the best thing was that he compared his future Nobel Peace snub to his Emmy snub for The Apprentice. Apparently Fat Donnie thought he was going to win a few years ago but got beat out by The Amazing Race which feels like getting beat out by Vern for world's funniest midget. The funny thing is he said that the Amazing Race got it because it, unlike the 14 season Apprentice, was establishment.
Somebody is very butt hurt and when Berretta Bob shows up at his door shortly, he will likely immediately shit his pants

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