Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Take on Trump vs Acosta

What a day it's been.

First the Blue Wave wasn't the surfer dream people had hoped for although it certainly did bring some balance back to the force. The governorships didn't go the Dems way and Beto losing to Crazy Ted must have been demoralizing. Then add the Jeff Sessions news and the fact that Trump will install a crony in his place and you'd have enough material for a week of TOR
But the Jim Acosta-Donald Trump battle was one to behold. This is what happens when you put a person with the maturity of a teenager in the most important job in the world and give him a disappointment result. As much as retaining- and possibly growing- the senate lead was a victory for Donald J Duck, the fact his party lost the House can't have felt good to his ego and he decided to unleash all his anger on Jim Acosta. Watching this exchange, it's very obvious which of the two men have the temperament to handle the pressure of a the job and sadly it's not the orange one.
I'm hoping that Trump challenges him to some kind of physical challenge and Acosta takes him up on it. It would make for some entertaining TV seeing the two of them run a 100 yard dash or kick box or play ping pong.

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