Monday, November 12, 2018

Take on the recount

Trump is calling the Florida election a massively infected essentially comparing it to his own private Vietnam. Of course there is no proof to this but that never seems to stop Trump from spouting nonsense. It does feel like we are going back to hanging chads in a state which you always expect to be purple but always ends up red. Maybe it's the rednecks, maybe it's the old people or maybe it's just Florida but no state disappoints Democrats more than Florida does. This is Lucy pulling away the football bad.

Of course none of it matters because if the recounts do favor the democrats, Trump will scream from the rooftops -and likely send in the. National Guard- even though the 0.5% margin demands an automatic recount. The mystery ballots that keep showing up are likely mailed ones which, do tend to show up a few days after they are sent.

So here we stand, can't win if you win and can't win if you lose, you can only hope to keep him preoccupied with something else so he doesn't send in the tanks.

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