Saturday, November 17, 2018

Take on Mathew Whitaker

Matthew Whitaker is the polar opposite to Ray Romano because by the sights of his inaugural appearance, nobody loves him. You can't blame his underlings for not going to support the new boss since he comes across as somebody who is genuinely miserable and their joint decision to avoid this has to be seen as a message to everybody that his support in the DOJ is as limited as Session's vocabulary was

But we all know this dude was not brought in to fix law enforcement or start a new war on drugs, he's the guy who comes into a failing company and his only mission is to fire everybody and tear the thing down to its core.

Whitaker is here to fire Berretta Bob and that's it. He's not here to win a popularity or a beating contest. The day he fires Mueller is his last formal event, he then disappears as he drags himself back into his dark miserable home.

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