Saturday, November 24, 2018

Take on the global warming solution.

We've figured out how to prevent global warming and for the first time in decades it doesn't involve recycling or conserving or buying a Prius. Nobody with a brain actually believes that your hybrid car or your LED lights were going to be anywhere near enough and although we all tried, altering the trajectory of global warming would have to be a global effort.
Well now we have a solution and it means we can start driving F150's again and leaving the lights on in the basement. We are going to spray the atmosphere to dim the sun which like many of the great ideas before it first showed up on the Simpsons. But the idea sounds so absolutely idiotic that it might work, either that or we overdo the spray and we hit a man created ice age and all die.

Anyway, good luck with the new idea Yale and Harvard guys, maybe you can try this on a neighboring galaxy to make sure you got the kinks worked out before killing us all here on earth.

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