Thursday, November 1, 2018

Take on Don James

Rudy went or and tried to stump for a senate candidate in Michigan and in doing so...pulled a Rudy
He wrote a glowing tweet about Don James making sure he covered his record as a businessman as well as his years as a combats veteran. He also assured us that Don would be looking out for safety and health care and threw in a nice closing line about Don being the future of the party.
This was great and exactly what Don James needed, there really is nothing as good as a major political figure throwing his weight behind your insurgent candidacy with a weak to go. Somebody who cane vouch for you as a man, a politician and a friend.
The only question remains..who the hell is Don James?? There is nobody running for senate in Michigan named Don James although there is a John James but now we are all scratching our head to wonder if Rudy really understands this guy's service and his stance on healthcare if he can't even remember the guy's name. It might be one thing if he had some uncommon name and Rudy butchered it but this guy's name is John f'n James

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