Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Take on diamond medallion status

After traveling around the world for years for work, I finally hit a milestone that all business travellers aim for. I got to diamond medallion status on delta which meant that I logged 125,000 miles in 2018. This sounds like a good perk but after looking into it a bit further, I kind of don't get it

See getting your diamond status has one big detriment. When you hit the platinum tier which is 75,000 miles there is one big advantage. All miles that you accumulate between 75,000 and 124,999 roll over for miles for next year. So bad I only gotten to 124,999 miles instead of to 125,678 I would have rolled nearly 50,000 miles into next year and almost assured myself another platinum year.

Now I'll start next year with 678 miles and will need to fly 74,322 to get back to platinum which is never easy. The truth is that I ever would have gotten to diamond had it not been for the nearly 40000 miles I carried over from last year.

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