Saturday, November 3, 2018

Take on Billy Baldwin’s douchy brother

We take a break from our regularly scheduled complaining about the state of politics -and in turn- our country. Don't worry, I'm sure there will be something idiotic that Trump will say today which will allow us to go right back to our normal programming but today we focus on the only man in America who could give Michael Avenatti a run for his money for douchebaggery. Alec Baldwin appears on the front pages of the NY tabloids about once per quarter for some stunt where he somehow turns into a bigger douche than he was beforehand. Maybe it's him screaming at his daughter or maybe it's him making an ass of himself for no good reason but like the changing of seasons, four times per year you are treated to another one of Alec's complete douchiness.

I was on a flight to Tampa a few years ago when Baldwin with his new wife and baby in tow came aboard. He immediately started to bitch and complain about everything from the seat assigned seat to the peanuts to the blankets and within ten minutes the entire plane was expecting the Marshalls to come on and arrest this obvious psychopath. Had he been just an average guy he certainly would have been let off in cuffs and had he been black or middle eastern he would have been tackled and beaten to a pulp for good measure. But he is a celebrity and the entire crew tried to appease him at every turn

The most telling part of the story was that although he and his wife sat up front along with some lawyery looking guy, the nanny sat back in coach with the rest of us and she just sat there shaking her head.

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