Sunday, October 28, 2018

Take on Old Lou

FoxBusiness ha great morals. They pulled a Lou Dobbs episode where one of his lunatic guests pushed a conspiracy theory about George Soros funding the caravan. This must have taken some real balls by the Murdoch's for pulling this episode from their lineup. I'm not sure when they play repeats but if they are anything like any of the other "news" channels, my guess is never. Can you imagine sitting around on a cold winter night, fireplace crackling and you and your wife just want a glass of wine and to watch Old Lou and find that they are showing Old Old Lou episodes. There are new conspiracy theories that you need for that cold winter night and you are stuck watching Old Lou talk about Old conspiracy theories, ones that are not only crazy but also already well debunked.

The real conspiracy is what the hell happened to Old Lou's hair?!? Between the Botox, the facelift and the died hair, he looks like a complete sex addict just jonesing for a bottle of blue pills for a couple of $50 BJ's.

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