Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Take on Nikki’s departure

As the world awaits the meeting between Nikki Haley and Trump we have a few theories to why she may have resigned so unexpectedly

- she was the author of the OpEd. This has been something that has been hypothesized for weeks, so not a big surprise. It is of note that I recall her vehemently denying writing it

- although this plays right into the above theory, maybe she has had enough and is taking a calculated stand here to jump ship in anticipation of 2020.

- Maybe the Kavanaugh thing really pissed her off

- she actually is taking over for Rod Rosenstein who was the first to resign last night

- she really was the one who ordered those curtains in the Ambassador suite apartment in New York City and she's been found out

- Trump Jr. hit on her and asked her for nudes

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