Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Take on the challenge of covering the honestly challenged

You'd have to imagine that covering Donald Trump is a double edge sword for a journalist today. On the one hand guy get tons of material, you are never scrambling to fill up space and you are rarely ever left without a controversy of some sort. On the other hand, how many ways you can your write something to the effect of "which cannot be verified by anybody anywhere at any time"
We get that Trump exaggerates, embellished and often just plain lies but he's got a remarkable ability to avoid any kind of long lasting scrutiny

Even his supporters will say "I wish he didn't tweet as often" or "we know he's like that but..". When you can't take a a man at his word or even worse you can't take him at his exaggerations, you are in trouble but when that man is the President and we stop caring, we are all in trouble

God, this national nightmare is closing in on two years, the only saving grace is that there are only two years left

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