Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Take on the annoying alert

At 2:18pm everything changed. At that point we all
one of those Amber Alert FlashFlooding things that turned the entire office into a frantic phone search but instead of a missing kid of an underwater road, this new method allows the federal government i.e. the President, to text everybody simultaneously if there is a terror attack or another emergency. But there is nobody who didn't think that Trump wasn't somehow considering this for political gain. You just have a feeling that the next time there is an Access Hollywood type tape, we might all get a warning about a heightened alert or if the polls aren't looking promising then you can see him calling some kind of national emergency.

If this was truly a national emergency warning method, why not have it sent from FEMA instead of from the president. How about if he's incapacitated at the time, does the alert still go out??

But this is who we elected, a child with his finger on the trigger

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